
Date:  September 3, 2024


Australia (International Christian Concern) — Mano Yogalingam, a 23-year-old asylum seeker died on Wednesday, Aug. 28 after setting himself on fire. Yogalingnam died in a hospital as a result of suffering serious burns to 80% of his body the previous night.

He had been a leader in the continuing protest and encampment, currently 45 days and counting, taking place outside the Department of Home Affairs in Melbourne. This protest was focused on urging the national Labour government to give permanent visas to about 8,500 people who have been stuck in limbo since arriving in Australia by boat.

Yogalingam fled with his family by boat to Australia in 2013 to flee the growing and severe persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka. He and his family settled in Melbourne and have been living on a temporary visa. Like thousands of other refugees and asylum seekers, they built lives in Australia, but they also lived in legal limbo, with relentless uncertainty about their visa status, the possibility of being deported to their home country, and other challenges.

Yogalingnam was active in his advocacy efforts for better visa processes and decisions for refugees in Australia. His case has highlighted the ongoing and massive visa and residency logjams in Australia stemming back to government policies where anyone arriving by boat as asylum seekers between August 2012 and July 2013 could not get permanent residency in Australia. Yogalingnam and his family were one of these people, arriving during this period.

Yogalingnam is survived by his wife and young son.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for Mano's wife and young son he left behind. Pray for Christians facing persecution in Sri Lanka, as well as those who are seeking asylum to escape persecution.