2 Peter 3:9
“The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

What promise is Peter talking about here? GOD has promised to judge the earth with fire, just as He once judged the earth with water. You would expect the verse to say, “GOD is not slow in keeping His promise… He is patient with the unbelieving world.” But that’s not what His Word says. Instead, it says “GOD is not slow in keeping His promise… the LORD is patient with YOU.”
St. Peter is writing to Christian believers. GOD is not slow in keeping His promise (of judgment). He is patient with you. Why has JESUS CHRIST not yet come? GOD held back His judgment long enough to bring sinners like us into His kingdom. That’s the love of GOD for us in CHRIST JESUS.

It’s not just that GOD has been patient with you. If one day with the LORD is like a thousand years, then GOD has indeed been very patient with all of us. Our sins have gone on a long time according to heaven’s clock. Day by day we cast ourselves on His mercy, trusting the cleansing power of the blood of JESUS, and Peter says, “He is patient with you…” Don’t you find it amazing that GOD does not look down at us and say, “That’s it! I’m done with you!” —The LORD does not want anyone to perish! He wants everyone to come to repentance. Have you repented of your sins? Since GOD has shown us this kind of patience, we can likewise be patient in real time with everyone who’s imperfect. —Whom does the LORD want you to show His patience to today? With GOD’s Word and the HOLY SPIRIT’s presence and power in us, we are all empowered to be patient with others. This is good news!

Dear FATHER, in the wonderful Name of JESUS, I praise You and thank You for being so patient with me. You never abandon me just because of my imperfections. Your love for me is stronger than anything that would disrupt my walk with You.
Your patience inspires me to keep on keeping on despite life’s challenges and trials. Your patience with me makes me stronger and resilient in the steadfast Name of CHRIST JESUS. Amen.

His Patience Keeps Us,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie