Isaiah 12:4

“And in that day you will say; “Praise the LORD, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the people, Make mention that His Name is exalted.”

That day will come, but that day may also be upon us now, today! Today is always a good day to start praising GOD, to call upon His Name and declare His deeds!! Have you praised Him today? Have you called upon His Name? Have you declared His deeds among those closest to your heart? Everyday is a gift from GOD and an opportunity for us to praise the LORD for His goodness, faithfulness, and HIS loving kindness. Let us declare His good deeds with our words, lifestyle and by way of letting Him direct, guide, and lead us by His HOLY SPIRIT, that all men may praise and glorify His Name both now and forevermore!

Lord JESUS, as we keep our focus on You, help us to look to You beyond our eyes, beyond all means and beyond our own understanding. May we see You beyond our needs and beyond ourselves. May we love, honor and serve You above anything on this earth, declaring Your good deeds, pointing others to You, and magnifying Your Great Name above any other name!!
Help us LORD to keep our focus on You, despite all the trials and distractions of life. Guide us to walk daily with You and by Your HOLY SPIRIT exalt Your great and holy Name!! Amen.

Exalting CHRIST,
Pastor Wally & Sister May