
Date:                           July 1, 2024


Today's a powerful anniversary for Christian Deng Tianyong and his family!

One year ago on July 1st, 2023, Deng returned to his hometown to reunite with several family members after serving a three-year jail sentence for selling audio Bible players. What an amazing testimony to rejoice about today!

Deng was once a drug addict, but the power of the Gospel freed and transformed him into a God-fearing man. 
Deng's lawyer even led him in worship when he visited the prison during the sentence. (You can help fund lawyer visits to encourage & bring hope to Christian prisoners).

Deng, his wife Fu Xuanjuan, and two others were all arrested in July 2020. Their 'crime'? Selling small digital audio players with a Bible, sermons, and hymns. Many Chinese Chrisitians love using these devices to listen and soak in God's word!
All arrested received jail time - but can you believe Communist officials sentenced Deng's wife Fu to six years behind bars? Another court refused to change the sentence after an appeal in December 2021.

In April, we reported on some terrible news about Fu after Deng was able to visit his wife in prison. Deng asked fellow Christians to pray for his wife as she was terribly sick, in immense pain, and was throwing up any medication and food she took.

Fu has been suffering immensely while unjustly behind bars for her faith - as the Communist Party claims she was involved in "illegal business operations" for selling the Bible audio players.
Lets rejoice at the testimony of freedom for Deng a year ago today, and join him in prayer for the immediate healing and protection for his wife Fu, and for the guards and officials where she remains jailed. Thank you for your heart for those abused for their faith in Christ! 
Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President