
Date:  July 6, 2024

This week we pray for Cuba as we approach the third anniversary of the 11 July protests – when Pastor Lorenzo, Loreto Hernandez Garcia, and many other Cubans were unjustly arrested for their peaceful participation.

Below is an extract from this week's Prayer Diary, which you can download in full here.

'We thank God for all the brothers, sisters and friends who always pray and are interested in me. Thank you for your displays of affection and Christian love... All of this lets me know that I am not alone, nor forgotten in this tribulation.’

Pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo wrote these words in a letter dated 31 March. He asked us to share it with all who have supported him and his family in different ways. We hope it serves as an encouragement to keep on praying for all the unjustly imprisoned in Cuba – and not lose heart (Luke 18:1).

He also described the emotional toll of imprisonment:

‘I am sick with nostalgia, like a caged bird...eager for colours, for flowers, for songs; thirsty to hear good news, a word of human hope for justice.’

Ask the Holy Spirit to continue drawing near to Pastor Lorenzo – especially in moments of homesickness, loneliness or frustration. Pray for his wife, Maridilegnis, and their two children, David and Lorena.

Lord God,

Through Pastor Lorenzo’s words we catch a glimpse of the pain of unjust imprisonment.

We bring this pain before you and ask you to intervene – for Pastor Lorenzo, and many others like him in Cuba.

Lord, bring strength for today and hope for tomorrow.
