
Date:  July 13, 2024

Today we ask you to pray for Christians in the nation of Laos, specifically six Christians who were arrested on 22 June 2024.

Pastor Mum, Mr Liang, Ms Laen, Mr Pa, Ms Lan and Ms Khoon|* were arrested at the request of their village chief, Mr Khampune. The suggested reason for the arrest is that they were holding an illegal church service at Pastor Mum’s home as the church is not registered.

The reason for this is that religious groups can face financial and legal barriers in obtaining the necessary paperwork to gain lawful status and the government is typically slow to respond to requests. The group have not been formally charged and are yet to receive either legal counsel or access to their family.

The context:
The human rights situation in Laos is poor, with all religious activity heavily monitored and restricted at both the local and national levels of government.

The government is also not consistent in how it administers the freedoms it provides to those groups who are officially registered.

For example, in February 2024 a church building was destroyed in Kaleum Vangke village on the orders of one of the village elders despite the fact the government had granted the Protestant group the right to gather.

We can respond by praying, in faith, knowing that it can and will make a difference.

Please would you pray for the following:

  • For the immediate release of the prisoners back to their families and loved ones and for access to legal counsel.
  • Ask God to raise up leaders in Laos at the regional and national level who will take human rights seriously and advocate for those rights to be upheld and administered to all citizens without discrimination.
  • Consider praying by imagining yourself in prison with them; as you do so speak Joshua 1:9 over them as a prayer of encouragement and comfort.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”