Date: December 8, 2020
Link for YouTube video of Pastor Zhang Boli and Pastor Hong Yujian. (Video: ChinaAid) |
(YouTube—Dec. 08, 2020) Pastor Zhang Boli, author of Escape From China and pastor of "Harvest Chinese Christian Church" in Fairfax, Virginia, joins Pastor Hong Yujian from Shanghai, a board member of ChinaAid living in Canada, to speak out for Pastor Bob Fu on YouTube.
Pastor Hong, who often speaks out for justice, says:
- Our Lord Jesus said that you should treat others the way you want to be treated. Regarding the recent demonstrations at Pastor Fu's home, if you don't want your own house surrounded, don't surround other people's houses. If he [Pastor Fu] said something wrong, you can debate with him.
- ...Guo Wengui is in the U.S. and exposing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and corrupted officials. I don't think the Communist Party can be brought down by exposing alone.
- Many people know about the darkness within the CCP. It's not as simple as that.
Pastor Zhang Boli asserts:
- Bob Fu has support from so many senators, and he has saved so many people who are suppressed in China. He rescued house church members, human rights lawyers, and also people like Chen Guangcheng, ...also a human rights activist.
- Some tell me that in supporting Pastor Fu, "you are offending Guo Wengui and his supporters. And their masters are aliens." That's totally irrational. We are not afraid of aliens. Jesus Christ is the king of the kings and the master of all masters....
In speaking out for Pastor Fu on YouTube, Pastor Zhang and Pastor Hong recount times in the past they faced persecution in China. As they voice their support for him, they recount times Pastor Fu has supported and helped them. They agree in prayer for him, trusting that from his recent trying times, God's truths will prevail and be proclaimed.