
Date:  December 16, 2020

India (International Christian Concern) – Christian leaders in India’s West Bengal state are wondering why no arrests have been made two weeks after a Catholic church in Morapai was vandalized. According to Asia News, the vandals destroyed two statues of the Virgin Mary and defaced a statue of Mother Teresa.

“Two of the statues were removed from the grottoes and smashed into pieces since they were made of plaster,” Bishop Shyamal Bose told Asia News. “The other statue, that of Mother Teresa, is made of concrete and the vandals were unable to destroy it. They damaged and defaced it.”

The act of vandalism took place on November 28 at the Sacred Heart Parish Church in Morapai. The statues were located in two grottoes outside the church on the parish grounds next to the road.

Local authorities promised to arrest the perpetrators and replace the statues at their expenses. A local lawmaker also promised to install powerful night lights around the church to ward off further acts of vandalism.

“The attack is puzzling,” Bishop Bose told Asia News. “People of different faiths keep statues of Mother Teresa in their homes. She is an inspiration for her commitment to serve the poor, distributing food and clothing, giving charity.”

According to Father Kanauj Roy, the vicar general of the diocese, police officials from four stations visited the church in addition to the Minority Minister. While the perpetrators have not been arrested, the local government did replace the three statues.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for the authorities to apprehend the vandals quickly. Pray for the perpetrators to come to know the love of Christ. Pray for protection for churches throughout India.