
Date:  June 2, 2021

Myanmar (International Christian Concern) – During the evening of May 26, another church in Kayah state was attacked by the Burmese military. Fighting between the military and local resistance groups continues to rage in the eastern part of the country after the Feb. 1 coup.

According to UCA News, artillery fire hit St. Joseph’s Church in the town of Demoso, breaking windows and putting holes in the church walls. Catholic sources stated that nobody was inside the church compound when the attack took place, since everyone in Demoso has fled to safer areas due to the heavy fighting.

Just five days prior to this incident, the Burmese military attacked the Sacred Heart Church near Loikaw, also in Kayah state. That attack killed four and wounded eight refugees who were sheltering in the church.

This latest attack on St. Joseph’s Church came just one day after Cardinal Charles Bo, Myanmar’s Roman Catholic leader, published an appeal on his Twitter page calling for military attacks on places of worship to end.

Cardinal Bo published this appeal in light of the attack on Sacred Heart Church and the rise in internally displaced people who are turning to places of worship for food and shelter. In Kayah and neighboring Shan state, over 50,000 civilians have fled their homes and are sheltering at churches and convents as the fighting between the military and local resistance groups continues to escalate.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for a peaceful end to the conflict in this region. Pray for the preservation of church property in Myanmar. Pray for believers in the region to remain strong in their faith.