Date: February 15, 2023

Syria (MNN) — Syria may have opened two new crossing points for earthquake aid deliveries, but it’s barely a drop in the bucket of phenomenal need. Yesterday, the United Nations issued an emergency appeal to mobilize lifesaving help for Syria.
“I read somewhere that a geologist said [about] the earthquake’s magnitude, ‘It’s like 500 atomic bombs.’ That’s the intensity, and you can [only] imagine the destruction,” Nuna of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says.
Nine days ago, historic earthquakes flattened communities throughout northern Syria and Türkiye, killing more than 37,000 people. The UN expects that number to rise above 50,000 as the window for survival closes.
Today, some survivors in Syria are still waiting to receive help. “The survivors have no homes, no blankets, no shoes, nowhere to heat themselves,” Nuna says.
“I’ve been talking to people running a shelter, and they said, ‘The problem is that not much [humanitarian aid] can come into Syria.’”
Thankfully, “the U.S. [State] Department lifted sanctions [on Syria] for six months, just for the victims of the earthquake,” she continues.
Triumphant Mercy Lebanon stands ready to respond. “We have a small team going into Syria this week. We’re going to see how we can help and [encourage] the believers there,” Nuna says.
“They (believers) are tired. They lost people from their own families and live under the same heaviness as the people [they’re helping].”
Contact Triumphant Mercy Lebanon through Facebook to learn how you can send help. Your gift helps earthquake survivors know that Jesus cares for them.
“Maybe you [feel,] ‘I wish I could go; I wish I could do something!’ [When you] give, it is the same as if you went because this is how God works. He works through us,” Nuna says.
Header and story images courtesy of Horizons International.