
Date:                           November 21, 2023



Activist Ji Xiaolong was sentenced to four years and six months in jail on October 27th.

His "crime?" 'Picking quarrels and provoking trouble" for demanding the Chinese government relax excessive COVID-19 restrictions.

Ji spoke out on the Internet, asking the Shanghai government to sympathize with the people, relax their excessive control, and stop campaign-style COVID prevention measures.

We just got Ji's prison address in Shanghai City and would love for you to send him an encouraging letter with your prayers and support!

Bring hope to prisoners of conscience like Ji and help remind him that the world stands alongside those unjustly jailed. 

Did you know letters can even help prisoners receive better treatment from guards who notice mail coming in from across the globe?

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As Ji nears a month in jail away from his family and loved ones, your voice can edify his spirit and touch his heart this holiday season. Thank you for taking the time to write! 

Here's how to write your letter to prisoners like Ji.

P.S: Copy and paste Ji's address right here -  Ji Xiaolong, No. 351 Huayi Road, Pudong New Area District, Shanghai City, Postcode: 201210, China