
Date:                            April 5, 2024


April 5th, 2023. 
It's now been several days behind bars in Thai immigration prison for the Mayflower Church.
But while there was so much uncertainty for these church members a year ago today, they knew the Lord, and so many faithful advocates across the globe were rising to their aid!

As you can imagine, it was truly a worldwide effort of faithful intercessors, officials, human rights leaders, and countless others, to help bring the Mayflower to freedom.
That's what makes this upcoming April 7th 'freedom anniversary' so special - YOU are a part of the church's testimony and story. 

I'm often asked how the Body of Christ can come alongside the Mayflower Church to empower them in their life of freedom in the USA.  
There's so many ways you can sow into the lives of these Christians.
gift to the Mayflower Church, or to a particular family, helps cover expenses, and pressing and urgent needs for the congregation. 

Another immense blessing to these Christians are vehicles.  In fact, supporters graciously helped provide a vehicle for Mayflower single mom Naomi. She picked up the car today!

If you or someone you know has a car you'd be willing to donate (or sell) to a Mayflower family in Midland Texas, please reply to this email and I'd love to talk.  

It's now just a couple days away from April 7th.  I can't wait to mark this 'freedom milestone' with you! 
Serving the persecuted with you,

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President