
Date:                           April 12, 2024



Detained for praying
Officials gave Fuyang Maizhong Reformed Church Pastor Zhang Sen a 15-day detention on March 28th, after he led prayers outside the detention center on March 24th to welcome fellow church members who were released. Here's a photo of some of the Christians praying.

Pray for Pastor Zhang, his church, and their persecutors.

Trial delay for Chang Hao
The trial of Preacher Chang Hao was postponed on March 25th after the judge said the case would not be heard publically. The trial was later postponed, and a new trial date has not been set. Here's why Chang's mother considers his arrest as 'grace and honor' and gives thanks to God.

Pray for Preacher Chang, his legal team, and their persecutors.

Forced confessions for church members
We've learned that five Shengjia Church Christians accused of "illegal business operations" stated that previous statements they made came after threats or coercion by Chinese officials. Here's some of the brutal range of threats these Christians have endured.

Pray for these five detained Christians, their lawyers, and persecutors. 

CCP targets reformed writers
Chinese online translation services are not offering translations for content related to the work of Martin Luther or John Calvin. Internet officials maintain that "any religion must adapt to Chinese socialist society." Here's more on how one Christian sees that the "reformed faith is now on the radar."

Pray for all Chinese Christians and Internet censorship officials.


  • Be sure to follow ChinaAid on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to see news, important updates, and media appearances. Bob also has his own Twitter account where he shares important news & human rights updates.

  • ChinaAid is mentioned in an article in the European Conservative discussing Communist persecution of Christians.

  • Mayflower Church members & ChinaAid President Bob Fu spoke at Sunday service at First Baptist Midland, celebrating the Mayflower's one-year anniversary of their arrival to the USA!

  • It's the first week of intensive English-language classes for Mayflower members. We're so thankful for the faithful support of local partners and teacher volunteers!


We'd love to join in prayer for you and your loved ones! Please visit our Freedom To Pray Website to share your prayer request via our online form. 

Keep scrolling down on the Freedom To Pray prayer initiative to sign up and join with others committed to praying for all those religiously oppressed in China. 


If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions for these weekly updates, please email Julian at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). You can make a gift to let the persecuted know they are not alone by clicking here. Learn how you can make a non-cash gift to ChinaAid.