
Date:                            May 18, 2024


Petr Jasek and three other men standing behind bars
Pause and Pray for Our Persecuted Christian Brothers and Sisters
Imprisoned, held without trial and separated from their families for decades, many of our Christian brothers and sisters endure persecution simply for proclaiming the Good News of Christ. Their persecutors’ motive? Silence the bold witness of these Christians.

But God’s purposes will never be thwarted. No enemy can stop the advance of the gospel.

Hebrews 13:3 is a compelling reminder for us: “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”

One of the most meaningful ways to remember our fellow members of the body of Christ is through prayer. Will you, as you pray, trust God to meet the needs of our Christian brothers and sisters who face persecution today?

  • Pray for their release.
  • Pray that they will have adequate food.
  • Pray that they will sense God’s presence.
  • Pray that their families’ needs will be met.
  • Pray that they will have access to God’s Word.
  • Pray for the continuation of their faithful witness, even in prison.
  • Pray that they will demonstrate God’s love by witnessing to their persecutors.

As you continue to pray for imprisoned Christians, we would like to offer you a resource to help inform your prayers. VOM’s Imprisoned for Christ Virtual Event is available to you and your family, class, group or church — for free! The video features three formerly imprisoned Christians who share their experiences and inspiring testimonies. You will be challenged to continue praying for imprisoned Christians and to be a bold witness for Christ in your area of influence.

Thank you for pausing today to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. May we be inspired by their faithfulness to serve Christ at any cost!