
Date:                           May 20, 2024


Christian citizen journalist Zhang Zhan was supposed to be released on May 13th after a four-year jail sentence for reporting on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.

Yet the world still does not know Zhang's whereabouts. 

Our media team wrote how some reports indicate "Zhang Zhan’s family has been warned not to have contact with the outside world. Friends who were planning to pick her up upon her release have been warned of surveillance, with the police forbidding them from going to the prison or Zhang Zhan’s residence."
It's extremely worrying that we still do not know where Zhang is. Oftentimes, journalists jailed in China face surveillance and other harassment after release. 

Zhang's health has also suffered immensely while behind bars. She was admitted to the hospital last July for gastrointestinal issues. Her mother shared at the time that "she is very thin, almost skin and bones." 
Pray for her health and strength as she's endured a harsh and unjust prison sentence. 
Please join me in prayer today for Zhang, her family, and her persecutors. We at ChinaAid remain committed to monitoring and reporting on her case until Zhang is truly free. 
Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President

P.S: Read the touching letter Zhang wrote to her mother from jail in 2022. Her mom was undergoing chemotherapy and Zhang wanted to reassure her mom by quoting the Bible, that she is not alone.