
Date:                            May 21, 2024


Depiction of someone being beaten
Eritrean Minister Arrested for Reaching Youth
Mussie Ezaz, who is married and has three children, was arrested in September 2007 for his work as a youth minister with the Kale Hiwot (Word of Life) Church. He had worked as an evangelist for 14 years and served with Youth for Christ for a number of years before establishing a youth ministry at the Kale Hiwot Church.

After his arrest, Mussie was taken to a small village prison staffed by young soldiers. He managed to escape with the help of fellow Christians and, after calling his family to say goodbye, he headed for the border. Upon reaching a border town about 60 miles from the village, he called his family to let them know he had made it. But shortly afterward, Eritrean authorities arrested him before he could cross into a neighboring country.


For a long time after his arrest, Mussie’s family had no knowledge of his whereabouts and no information about his health. Eritrean believers feared he had been killed or left alone in a remote prison cell in the desert. However, more recent reports indicate that Mussie is in Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, in a maximum-security crime investigation unit where many other church leaders have been imprisoned, some for more than 10 years. As with other Christians imprisoned in Eritrea, Mussie has been held without charge or trial. His family does not know if he will ever be released.

You can pray for Mussie and his family, and write an encouraging letter to him and other imprisoned Christians by visiting

We also invite you to stand with imprisoned Christians and their families by offering spiritual encouragement and practical assistance, while being a voice for them among other members of the body of Christ. To learn how, click below.

“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”