
Date:  May 25, 2024

Today we ask you to pray urgently for a group of Christians in Mexico, who were forced from their homes last month. 

They are now under pressure to sign an illegal agreement, which would result in hugely unjust consequences.

The displacement:

On 26 April, 139 Protestant Christians were forced to flee the villages of Rancho Nuevo and Coamila in Hidalgo State. The total number grew to 151, as those working outside the village at the time were not allowed to return home. Among them are 75 children, including five babies.

The mass displacement happened after village leaders cut off their electricity; vandalised and blocked access to some homes and their church; and posted guards at the entry points to the villages.  

Since then, the municipal government has stopped providing food or water, which was grossly insufficient to begin with. The Christians say they have been relying on humanitarian aid and food provided by local churches. 

The illegal agreement:

The group have been given a two-week deadline to accept an illegal agreement. They do not want to sign it, and here’s why:

Signing the agreement would allow the village leaders – who are responsible for the displacement – to fine the victims 750,000 Mexican Pesos (approximately £35,200). On top of that, it would ban five families from returning home. 

The other families would be allowed to return to the villages, but with severe restrictions on freedom of religion or belief. These are the same restrictions that have been imposed on the group since 2015.

We are still working hard in our advocacy, firmly believing that God can change the hearts of those in authority. Please pray:

  • That the state and federal governments will intervene as a matter of urgency. Pray for an outpouring of compassion into their hearts, causing them to act with justice and mercy.
  • That the situation would be quickly resolved. Pray that their farmland will be returned to the families, and their electricity service and access to water wells will be restored.
  • That the Lord would ‘uphold the cause of the oppressed and give food to the hungry’ (Psalm 146:7a). May he provide beyond what is sufficient, and ultimately make a way for everyone to return home, without condition.