
Date: June 1, 2024

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! (Psalm 95:1 ESV)

Today we lift up a song of praise for God’s love and faithfulness. After four long years, Zhang Zhan has finally been released from prison. 

The citizen journalist and human rights defender completed a four-year sentence on charges of ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’– but she never should have spent a day in prison.

These charges were completely unfounded and are frequently used by the Chinese authorities to target human rights defenders like Zhang.

‘We should seek the truth and seek it at all costs.’ – Zhang Zhan

Inspired by her Christian faith, Zhang went to Wuhan to report on the COVID-19 pandemic. She was arrested on 14 May 2020 and eventually sentenced in a closed-door trial, which lasted less than three hours. 

During her time in prison, Zhang Zhan’s health became critical as she embarked on a hunger strike in protest of her treatment. 

Now that her sentence is over, we give thanks to God and continue to pray for her health. 

It’s also important to pray that she is allowed to fully enjoy her freedom. When Zhang was first released on 13 May, it was reported that she still faced restrictions, but thankfully this is no longer the case. 

Please pray:

  • Giving thanks for Zhang Zhan’s release. Ask God to bring healing and restoration, and to continue surrounding her with his unfailing love.
  • That Zhang is able to enjoy her freedom without further harassment, restrictions or mistreatment.
  • That those who subjected Zhang Zhan to this injustice are held to account.
  • For the countless Chinese citizens and human rights defenders who, like Zhang Zhan, have been harassed, detained and imprisoned for standing up for truth and justice.