
Date:                           June 4, 2024



Today, June 4th, marks the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

ChinaAid President Bob Fu released a video statement on this somber day - click to watch Bob's video on YouTube.

Please join us in prayer today for the lives & families affected by the Tiananmen Square Massacre, for the people of China, persecuted believers, and the Communist Party leadership. 

We've also signed a joint statement with 45 other human rights and religious freedom organizations, focused on the importance of remembering how the "the 1989 movement was a completely peaceful protest that gained the overwhelming support of the Chinese population and was an inspiring event for the whole world. The protestors were an image of human dignity, standing together to demand a more just and free country. Today, we continue fighting in their name, believing in the future of a rights-respecting and democratic China."

Read the full statement on our website as our ChinaAid team is committed to continuing the work and ideas of those democracy-minded students by pushing for justice and rule of law in China.