
Date:                           June 21, 2024



Jailed Elder in poor health
The wife of jailed Guiyang Renai Reformed Church Elder Zhang Chunlei shared that her husband has liver cirrhosis. However, Elder Zhang has no past record of any liver-related illness. Here's one reason why liver issues are increasingly common among prisoners.

Pray for Elder Zhang's supernatural healing. 

Zhang Zhan warned by police
Journalist Zhang Zhan was released on May 13th after a four year jail sentence. On May 29th, police warned Zhang she would return to jail if she crossed the 'red line.' Zhang is still not clear about what the red line is. Here's more of Zhang's amazing prison testimony. 

Pray for Zhang Zhang and her persecutors. 

Police spread false rumors
The Xi'an Fensheng Church shared a statement debunking rumors that a few church leaders, who have been arrested, were involved in financial corruption. Church members affirmed leadership did not touch church funds. More on the CCP's harsh crackdown.

Pray for all Xi'an Fensheng Church believers.


  • Be sure to follow ChinaAid on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to see news, important updates, and media appearances. Bob also has his own Twitter account where he shares important news & human rights updates.

  • Church Times mentions Bob Fu when reporting on persecution against Catholics in Hong Kong. 

  • Watch the amazing thank you video featuring Mayflower Church members Deborah & Esther, after they recieved a donated car. Thank you for your support!


We'd love to join in prayer for you and your loved ones! Please visit our Freedom To Pray Website to share your prayer request via our online form. 

Keep scrolling down on the Freedom To Pray prayer initiative to sign up and join with others committed to praying for all those religiously oppressed in China. 


  • HRW: China: Hundreds of Uyghur Village Names Change 

If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions for these weekly updates, please email Julian at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). You can make a gift to let the persecuted know they are not alone by clicking here. Learn how you can make a non-cash gift to ChinaAid.