
Date:                            July 19, 2024


We've just heard an amazing testimony of early release from prison!

Christian brother Lai Jinqiang was unjustly locked up for 5.5 years for manufacturing bible audio players. He was supposed to be released in January 2025.  

But thankfully, Lai was freed early on June 21st!  What a blessing to his friends and family who get to see him in person after many years! 

Lai faithfully served the Lord by founding a company in 2007 to manufacture Bible audio players. These tools are such a blessing to those with impaired vision and elderly Christians who can listen to the Scriptures and soak in the Word of God. 

Communist officials arrested Lai in 2019 and handed him a 5.5-year sentence after a closed-door hearing. His family was not even allowed to watch the court proceedings via video.

Let's rejoice with Lai, his family, and friends, who are excited to see him freed early! And thank you for your passionate prayers for those behind bars for their faith, and for their persecutors as well. 
Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President