
Date:                            July 19, 2024



Beijing Zion youth group raided
Earlier in July, officials raided a group of young people at Beijing Zion Church and took many to the police station after questioning everyone in attendance. We learned that one Christian sister, Zhou Si-Rui, is scheduled to be released on July 22nd after being given a 14-day detention.

Pray for Sister Zhou as she remains detained, and for this church's persecutors.

ERCC members banned from travel
Chengdu Early Rain Covenant Church members Wang Song and Shu Qiong were banned from travelling overseas with their kids even though they had valid passports and visas. Officials forced them to tour around in Yunnan before returning to Chengdu amid constant surveillance.

Pray for Wang, Shu, their kids, and their persecutors. 

Lai Jinqiang freed early
Christian brother Lai Jinqiang was released early on June 21st, months before his scheduled release time of January 2025. Lai was jailed for 5.5 years after a 2019 arrest for producing audio Bible players. Our full report on Lai's faithful service for Christ and the persecution he's endured.

Pray for Brother Lai, 


  • Be sure to follow ChinaAid on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to see news, important updates, and media appearances. Bob also has his own Twitter account where he shares important news & human rights updates.

  • ChinaAid CEO Chad Bullard spoke about the 'Biggest Church in the World' and shared about persecution in China with Vision Christian Media. 


We'd love to join in prayer for you and your loved ones! Please visit our Freedom To Pray Website to share your prayer request via our online form. 

Keep scrolling down on the Freedom To Pray prayer initiative to sign up and join with others committed to praying for all those religiously oppressed in China. 


  • Christian Arrested For Social Media Post Commemmorating Tiananmen Square Massacre

If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions for these weekly updates, please email Julian at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). You can make a gift to let the persecuted know they are not alone by clicking here. Learn how you can make a non-cash gift to ChinaAid.