
Date:                          July 26, 2024



Fined for sharing a sermon
Christian sister Gu Ti from Sichuan was fined 200 yuan (about $27.5 dollars) for sharing a sermon from Pastor Wang Yi in a WeChat group. Officials sent Gu a penalty notice letter on July 18th. Here's a lovely photo of Sister Gu sharing the gospel to the elderly!

Pray for Gu and her persecutors in Sichuan.

Preacher Zhang summoned by police
On July 19th, Preacher Zhang Jiale from Xuen'en Church in Inner Mongolia and his wife Ran Yilian were taken by police for 12 hours. A few days earlier, officials raided a church Bible study and issued a warning to those attending. Here's Zhang's powerful pastoral letter to the church after the raid.

Pray for Preacher Zhang, his wife, and their persecutors.

Church elder awaits a verdict
Guiyang Ren'ai Reformed Church Elder Zhang Chunlei was scheduled for sentencing on July 24th, after one year and eight months since his trial. Elder Zhang is accused of "fraud" and "incitement to subvert state power." More on the mysterious medical diagnosis Elder Zhang was given while detained.

Pray for Elder Zhang's supernatural healing. 

Pre-trial conference for believers
A pre-trial conference will be held for Pastor Zhou Songlin and Elder Ding Zhongfu of Ganquan Church in Hefei on July 31st, 2024. Both have been detained since their arrest in November 2023. Read how many church members remain bold in their faith despite persecution!

Pray for Pastor Zhou, Elder Ding, and their persecutors. 



We'd love to join in prayer for you and your loved ones! Please visit our Freedom To Pray Website to share your prayer request via our online form. 

Keep scrolling down on the Freedom To Pray prayer initiative to sign up and join with others committed to praying for all those religiously oppressed in China. 


  • Bloomberg: Canada Said to Have Mapped Out Secret Chinese Police Operations 
  • Jimmy Lai: Mounting concerns at further prolonged delay in trial 

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