
Date:  August 15, 2024


Pakistan (International Christian Concern) — A year ago Friday, mobs of angry Muslims attacked several Christian communities in Jaranwala, Punjab, Pakistan, burning 26 churches and the homes of more than 200 Christian families.

The violence, a response to accusations made against two teenagers who allegedly desecrated the Quran, forced many families to flee for their lives. Attackers accused the teens of tearing pages from the book, throwing them on the ground, and writing insulting remarks on them. Christian leaders and others said the accusations were unfounded. Authorities arrested more than 130 rioters, including members of the Islamist political party Tehreek-e-Labbaik.

In early July, an anti-terrorism court in Sahiwal, Pakistan, sentenced a Christian man to death for his alleged role in inciting the riots.

Authorities arrested Ehsan Shan three days after the riots. While Shan did not participate in the alleged Quranic desecration, the court found him guilty of sharing “hateful content” that blasphemed Islam on social media. He allegedly posted footage of the desecrated Islamic text on TikTok.

Judge Ziaullah Khan sentenced Shan to 22 years in prison and fined him 1 million Pakistani rupees. Shan’s lawyer, Khurram Shahzad, said he would appeal the verdict. Pakistanis, including several Christians, rallied against Shan’s death sentence in Karachi.

“This is what justice looks like in Pakistan,” an International Christian Concern (ICC) staffer said following the verdict. “Radical Muslims burn down dozens of homes and churches, and the only ‘justice’ being served is putting the Christians who called it out to death. The blasphemy law does not protect Islamic ideals; it kills Christians.”

According to Akmal Bhatti, chairman of the Minorities Alliance, most of those detained after the riots had been discharged or freed on bail. Only a dozen suspects face trials, he added.

Earlier this year, the two Christian brothers charged with desecrating the Quran were acquitted. A court in Faisalabad determined the brothers had been framed following a personal dispute.

Pakistan’s anti-blasphemy laws, which are often weaponized against Christians, prohibit the desecration of the Quran. Those who violate the laws are often killed.

ICC continues to serve the victims of the Jaranwala riots. We initially responded with food aid. Then, we replaced lost home goods and collaborated with local partners to provide trauma training and help rebuild communities. Today, we continue to help restore the livelihoods of those who lost their source of income by providing rickshaws, livestock, and trade equipment.