
Date:  August 14, 2024


Indonesia (International Christian Concern) — After Indonesian Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas told a group of church leaders earlier this month that it would soon be easier for churches and other minority religious groups to obtain building permits, another government official is challenging the change to the licensing process.

Yaqut had said that churches would soon only need to request building permits through the Ministry of Religion, where previously they also had to receive a recommendation from the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB). He added that the FKUB had hindered many churches from gaining approval.

While the coordinating minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs and the minister of Home Affairs have supported Yaqut’s idea, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin thinks the FKUB recommendation is still necessary to maintain interfaith harmony.

The SETARA Institute for Democracy and Peace, which advocates for democracy, human rights, and political freedom, said eliminating the FKUB recommendation is a progressive step toward democracy and human rights.

In addition to the FKUB recommendation, another administrative requirement that has also been an obstacle for minority groups to obtain a building permit is the support of 90 members of the congregation and 60 nonmembers. The SETARA Institute said this stipulation hinders the constitutional right of every Indonesian citizen to worship.

With the elimination of the FKUB recommendation requirement, the SETARA Institute said the FKUB should be optimized to build and maintain harmony between religious communities. FKUB is expected to be more active in educating the public about tolerance, expanding space for interfaith dialogue, and handling conflicts that disrupt harmony, including cases where the establishment of houses of worship is rejected.

According to data from the SETARA Institute, 65 places of worship experienced disturbances in 2023 — an increase from 50 cases in 2022.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for unnecessary obstacles in this process to be removed. Pray for growth and unity among Indonesia's churches. Pray for them to shine the light of Christ in their communities.