
Date:  September 6, 2024


DRC (International Christian Concern) — When the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) arrived at Kamale Azora’s house during the evening of Sept. 16, 2021, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), his whole family, including his children and five grandchildren, fled into the bush.

Azora’s family members were fortunate not to be among the six people killed and 37 abducted in the attack, which took place in the small village of Mutendero.

As Azora’s family fled, one of his grandchildren tripped on a tree stump and broke his leg. Risking his life, Azora rushed to pick up his injured grandchild. For another hour, the rebels continued to kill and kidnap members of Azora’s village. When the nightmare finally ended, Azora and his family returned to find their home burned and everything they owned destroyed.

When an International Christian Concern (ICC) staffer met Azora, his family was living in dire conditions without adequate shelter, clothing, food, or money. Thanks to the generosity of ICC’s donors, ICC built a new home for Azora’s family.

“I am feeling happy and overwhelmed,” Azora said. “ICC’s donors have increased my faith in God. The house you have built for me has significantly improved my quality of life. Before, I lived in a small, rundown shelter that provided little comfort and security. Now, I have a safe and comfortable home where I can relax and feel at peace. Your gift has brought me a sense of stability and happiness that I never thought possible. I no longer have to worry about the elements or intruders disrupting my peace. This newfound security has allowed me to focus on other aspects of my life, such as work and personal growth.”