JOHN 4:23
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in spirit and truth, for the FATHER is seeking such people to worship Him.”

GOD through CHRIST, has given us the ability to choose Him here on earth, and nothing blesses the heart of GOD like His beloved people intentionally turning their hearts toward Him in worship. GOD seeks and desires our worship. As His beloved children we must desire to encounter Him, experience Him, know Him, and give Him our utmost affections, even our very own lives. Whether we worship individually or gathering together with fellow believers, worship always delights GOD. Our worship can move the heart of our FATHER. He sent JESUS CHRIST to die on the cross for our sins that we might walk in constant communion with Him. Our worship and continuing pursuit of our relationship with GOD is His unmerited gift to us through the suffering, death and resurrection of our Savior and LORD JESUS CHRIST. His is the perfect offering and worship that satisfied GOD! —Our worship matters to GOD, and because it does, we must choose to worship Him in spirit and in truth. To do this, CHRIST should be our very reason to worship and the SPIRIT our motivation in worship! Only then do we worship GOD in spirit and in truth! Only in and through the Spirit of CHRIST can we honor, please and satisfy GOD in worship. Every act of worship has eternal significance. Let’s choose to make our lives a sacrifice of worship that honors, pleases and satisfies GOD’s desire for a true, consistent and intimate relationship! To accomplish this, our worship must radiate CHRIST to the FATHER! That, my friend, is worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH!!

Praying For You,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie