Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to PRAYER.”

How devoted are we to prayer? Prayer was an integral part of the the life of JESUS. His first followers practiced prayer as JESUS taught them lessons on prayer. They have noticed and observed how CHRIST Himself committed to daily prayer. The prayer life of JESUS inspired His followers to follow Him. They’ve never seen anyone pray the way JESUS did. Prayer should define us. Prayer makes us holy. It directs our thoughts and our hearts to GOD. By directing our entire being towards Him, and learning more about Him through Scripture, we are changed and transformed by the power of the SPIRIT of GOD.
GOD has chosen prayer, as a means to bring about His purposes. How marvelous that the Creator of the entire universe allows us to talk to Him in such an intimate way. 

LORD GOD, please teach me to pray in a manner that honors You, obeys You and pleases You. May Your SPIRIT direct, guide and lead me to pray often and give me the desire to spend more time in prayer, in JESUS’
marvelous Name. Amen.

Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie