“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

As Christians, we are reminded that we are recipients of grace. We now belong to GOD through the Lord JESUS. We have a hope and a future with GOD forever. However, those who don't know JESUS CHRIST do not. They remain under the judgment of GOD. So when St. Paul tells Christians to conduct themselves with wisdom toward outsiders, he means consider their great need to know CHRIST, as your need was. We are called to “make the most of every opportunity.” The Bible commonly teach the shortness of life in this world, and to be wise we need to number our days. We are to understand time for us is in short supply. We must practice a grace-filled life.

It was said about the Lord JESUS that, “no man ever spoke like this man” and it was the Lord JESUS who spoke in spirit and truth. He only said what He heard the FATHER say and He only did as the SPIRIT of GOD instructed Him. JESUS’ words were gracious and seasoned with salt. He spoke the truth in love but did not compromise His speech or language. Like CHRIST our speech should always be gracious and seasoned with salt. Words that come out from our mouth have their source in the thoughts of our hearts. When our heart is properly focused on the Lord JESUS, in fellowship with the FATHER, and being led by the HOLY SPIRIT, our words will also be gracious and truthful words seasoned with salt. We must be careful not to embarrass or hurt, ridicule or humiliate others but will speak the truth in love.
Grace-filled living is life lived with no regrets.

Loving FATHER, teach me to be wise in my conduct and be a good steward of time. You know that my speech is not always gracious or seasoned with salt. Through Your HOLY SPIRIT I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will always acceptable to You so that I only say that which honors You and pleases You, in JESUS gentle Name I pray, AMEN.

Graciously Blessed,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie