... with all my heart; I will tell you all your wonderful deeds.

Everyday and every breath we breathe prove the faithfulness and loving kindness of our GOD.
How often do we pause to give Him our highest praise and express our gratitude for His unfailing love and goodness?

FATHER GOD, we thank you for your abundant mercy and grace toward us.  We honor you this day as a family full of gratitude.
 We thank you for food on the table, and a roof above us. We thank you for life and good health, thank You for your bountiful provisions.  We ask that you equip and encourage us to remember the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the sick and marginalized and serve others who are in need.  May we be good stewards of your creation and of all our talents and every blessing you send our way,  May we proclaim glory and honor to you through our lives lived out for You.  In the Great and Majestic Name of JESUS we pray.  -Amen.