1 Thessalonians 5:18 
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS concerning you.”

Throughout scripture we see the command to "give thanks" unto the LORD our GOD who was, and is and forever will be.
In his epistle, the Apostle Paul, exhorts us not to give thanks for all things, but "IN" all things, give GOD thanks.  In the good, bad, messy, ugly, painful, joyful, weak, strong, happy or sad times, we are to continue to praise and give thanks to GOD.

I have learned and am still learning to be thankful "IN" all things and not necessarily for all things because all things that happen to us are not good, BUT, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!
Remember, the call is "IN" all things give thanks to GOD! 
I pray that today would be the day that WE ALL purpose in our hearts that "IN" all things we will continue to "TELL THE LORD,  THANK YOU,”  because it is in those afflictions, testings, trials, pains and sufferings of life where we gain our testimony of GOD’s power, His presence and His provisions on our behalf.  Remember! "IN" all things we are to still tell GOD thank you for He promises to never leave nor forsake us. GOD is always there for us leading and guiding, protecting and looking out for us by His HOLY SPIRIT in CHRIST JESUS, our LORD!!

Dear FATHER GOD, the Creator and Ruler of all things, we serve You with gladness, coming into Your presence with joyful songs. You are our mighty GOD, You made us, and we are Yours. We give thanks to You and bless Your Holy Name, for You are good. Your loving devotion continues forever, so we need not be apprehensive about what is and what to come. Your faithfulness endures to all generations. We can walk with confidence into our future, knowing that You withhold no good thing from those who love and honor You. We praise and thank You that In CHRIST we can praise and thank You in all circumstances of life. In His Amazing Name we pray. Amen.

Gratefully Yours,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie