PSALM 46:6-7 
“6-Nations rage, kingdoms topple; the earth melts when He lifts His voice. 7-The LORD of Armies is with us; the GOD of Jacob is our stronghold.” 

This means that we can’t trust our world to give us comfort, security and hope. Ultimately, they only come from the LORD. So, the first order of business is to stop trying to find reassurance from our newsfeeds, from the world around us. We may get bits and pieces of momentary good news, but nothing consistent and deep and lasting to sustain us.  The nations rage. In the Greek Old Testament the idea is that the nations were stirred up, meaning they were shaken, terrified or unsettled. This present world is in chaos and confused. Just look around. Kingdoms fall down, dictators pass away. History reminds us that even the most stable of governments or kingdoms can be thrown into a downward spiral pretty quickly. GOD makes His voice heard and the earth is shaken, the earth melts. 

Does GOD do something directly or does He simply allow this sinful world to go its own way?  We don’t know.  But the end result for an unbelieving world is the same – an unsettled fear. The panic these days is almost palpable. But as GOD’s people, we are not left hopeless. The “LORD of Armies” is with us. This could be translated, “the LORD of powers” or “the LORD who is the strongest of all” is with us. This is a military term suggesting that the LORD is with us as our Warrior GOD.  He is fighting for us. Our GOD has been the GOD of His people from the very beginning. The GOD of our ancestor Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, this GOD is our helper, protector and stronghold.

ABBA FATHER, You know us better than we know ourselves. You love and care for us better than we love ourselves. You can protect us better than we can protect ourselves. We confess our fears and worries but even more, we confess our trust in You, the One who fights for us, the One who has always been the GOD of your people. Thank you for giving us the privilege of prayer to pour out our thoughts to you, for giving us your Comforting SPIRIT who reassures us constantly, and for giving us each other to love and to be loved. Thank You, in JESUS’ Name. Amen.

Psalms 24:8 
Who is this King of glory? 
The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

We Win!

Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie