“As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please GOD, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord JESUS to do this more and more. 2-For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord JESUS.”

There is much more to the Christian walk than these verses reveal. Paul merely discusses here the specific needs at Thessalonica. Yes, there is much more, but the three matters discussed reveal much about how to live in a way that pleases GOD. Sexual purity, love within the fellowship, and good, honest work remain essential Christian issues. In short, the walk that pleases GOD is the one in accord with His own character, thus manifesting the same character in us.
Just as JESUS lived on this earth to please the FATHER, those who have believed and received CHRIST JESUS as their Savior and Lord, are likewise expected to walk so as to please ABBA GOD always and in all ways.

Dear ABBA FATHER, thank You for Your Word that instructs and teaches us on how we ought to live and walk to honor and please You in every way. Thank You for JESUS and the wonderful work of the HOLY SPIRIT in our lives. I ask that You will daily give me a willing spirit that desires only one thing, and that is to honor and please You always in my life.
In JESUS’ gracious Name I pray…Amen.

Living To Please Him,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie