Psalm 46:1-3 ESV
“GOD is our REFUGE and STRENGTH, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea... though the MOUNTAINS TREMBLE at its swelling."

Do I fear the catastrophes happening in the world right now like earthquakes, calamities, natural disasters, imminent wars, etc.? In the midst of all of these difficult and threatening circumstances, which do I magnify or focus on more, these negative situations OR my GOD? —Am I easily overwhelmed by these natural disasters and calamities that I forget how great my GOD is?

GOD does not want us to be shaken by the daily negative news of what is happening in the world. The Bible says repeatedly that "GOD is my Refuge" and we can pray through natural disasters with Him as our Refuge. The word "refuge” means that which shelters or protects from danger, distress, or calamity. It means stronghold which protects by its strength, or a sanctuary which secures safety. —Like David, GOD wants us to hide in His closeness and to be our strong place of refuge. The LORD knows that we need to feel secure and safe for He is our strong refuge in times of danger (Psalm 71:7; 73:28). 

Though the earth may move and calamities are happening, in the midst of silence, let’s continue to pray and trust in GOD’s Word with a promise that He is our never-failing Strength and Stronghold in time of need.

Because I am in CHRIST JESUS, never will I forget that GOD is with me and remains my ever-present rock of refuge. No matter how great the natural disaster, calamity or any life-threatening circumstance...GOD IS GREATER STILL! 

O LORD, my GOD, Caretaker of my soul, Sustainer of all who live. You are my strength, my rock of safety, and my refuge in life's storms. In the midst of this storm, LORD, You are the only One who can bring peace. You are the Prince of Peace. Your peace surpasses all understanding. I reject anxiety and fear and declare Your power and presence in my life.
In the great and mighty name of JESUS. Amen. 🙏 

Strengthened by GOD,

Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie