GOD is the source of David's power and protection. David rejoices in the LORD and sings praise to Him, because the LORD is the source of his power and protection. Just like David, the LORD enables us to be strong in the face of our enemy's oppression. His shield not only provides His warriors with physical protection—but also serves to boost the warriors’ confidence. Experienced believers can often recall many occasions when the LORD strengthened and protected them. Each victory brings an opportunity for us to rejoice in GOD’s strength and be thankful. The LORD does not faint or grow weary. He empowers the faint and gives strength to those who have none. Those who wait on the LORD will receive new strength. They will rise above their challenges and triumph over their trials…for their strength comes from the LORD!

ABBA, I belong to You. You committed Yourself to protecting me. You alone are my unyielding strength and my sure salvation. On CHRIST the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. I stand in Your fortress to see Your salvation. I will hide my soul deep in the Rock. I am Your special treasure, chosen, anointed, appointed, sealed by Your HOLY SPIRIT. I praise and thank You for being my strength, in JESUS’ mighty Name. Amen 🙏 

Standing on the Rock,

Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie