In this moment of stillness, LORD, we thank You for the blessings of the past week. We are grateful for the moments of joy, the triumphs over our challenges, and the lessons learned. -Help us to cultivate a heart of gratitude, always mindful of Your abundant grace that surrounds us each day. -FATHER, we ask that You fill us with Your HOLY SPIRIT, empowering us to live lives that honor and glorify Your name. Help us to shine brightly as ambassadors of Your love, extending compassion, mercy, kindness, and grace to all those we encounter.

As we conclude this prayer, we thank You for the privilege of communing with You on this sacred Saturday morning. May the seeds of devotion planted within us today blossom into a bountiful harvest of faith, love, and righteousness throughout the week ahead…In the most precious name of JESUS, we pray. Amen.🙏