GOD knows us, is close to us, and created us. GOD knows our actions, our thoughts, where we have been, and where we have fallen short of expectations (others and our own). GOD is close to us, knows our intentions, keeps us close and does not let us out of His presence (we cannot run or hide). GOD is with us in our darkest times. He created us; put us together from our earliest beginnings.

Our awareness and acceptance of GOD’s love transforms us, changes us, into the people the LORD created us to be, “fearfully and wonderfully made” in the image of GOD, precious in His sight. GOD’s love does not let us go. It is eternal and everlasting presented in the person of JESUS CHRIST.

“For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

As we increase our awareness of GOD’s Eternal Love, we increase our capacity to love: to love GOD, to love our neighbor and to love ourselves. We need Love to help us cope in difficult times: to give us “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow” as the song goes. GOD is faithful. Trust His love that is so much more than we can imagine.
Always remember: JESUS LOVES YOU AND ME!