IMG 9861 

Acts 17:28 “For in Him we live and move and have our being, as some of your own poets have said, 'We are His offspring'"

From the beat of our heart to the breath in our lungs, EVERYTHING we have is because of GOD. All that we can see, smell, taste, touch and hear - all the things about life that we enjoy - are made possible through Him.

The LORD moves when we give over to Him, when we give over to His ways and come out of ourselves. We are His creation. In CHRIST He made us complete and we lack nothing. Let Him have His way, let Him move as He wants to move, as He desires to move, and make His will our way of life. -When does GOD move? When we trust Him completely to fulfill His promises. When we obey and serve Him. When we honor and please Him. When all that we are and do give Him all the glory! JESUS CHRIST IS OUR ALL IN ALL!

Prayer: Dear FATHER, I’m ready now, my LORD; my life is Yours, not for a moment or a day but for all time and for all eternity. Use me, LORD. Show me how to love You more, how to believe You more. Show me how to walk closer to You, how to get Your work done. My desire is to LIVE, MOVE, and have my whole BEING given over to You to fulfill the very purpose and reason You created me, this I pray in the most excellent Name of JESUS. Amen.