Luke 22:42 JESUS says, "FATHER, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but Yours be done". 

In this verse, JESUS chooses to embrace His FATHER’s divine will, even though His human will recoils at the threat of pain and death. Some say that this verse is a foundation of the Christian life, and that one of the purposes of prayer is to allow GOD’s will to be accomplished.

In Luke 11, JESUS tells His disciples to pray, saying, "When you pray, say: 'Our FATHER in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

When we pray we should pray for not only our will be done but more importantly that GOD’s will be done. When we bend our will and desires to GOD’s will. It's when you and I line up our plans for life on earth with the desires and purposes of heaven. That’s what JESUS did. —How about us? How is this made possible?

It starts from within us—with surrender and trust and obedience to GOD’s Word and GOD’s way, even when the flesh wants something different. —Are we willing to go through whatever and forsake whatever might prevent GOD’s purpose and will from being accomplished?

Prayer: FATHER GOD, have Your way in me. Your kingdom come and Your will be done and Your Great Name honored, on earth and in my heart, just as it is in heaven. IN JESUS’ Holy Name. Amen.