Galatians 6:14 NLT
“As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.”

Paul knew that, at his peak, he was an enemy of GOD and was blind to the things of GOD.  Paul had seen himself at what the world would have called “Paul’s best” and he knew that his best was nothing but a sham and a shame, nothing to be proud of. The cross is where we see ourselves for who we truly are. This is why the cross remains offensive to many people today.  People who want to boast in themselves hate the cross, for the cross calls for us to see our own sins, our own weaknesses and our failings.  The cross demands humility and surrender.

For those who are willing to surrender, however, the cross is our greatest boast and our greatest hope. The way of the cross leads us to our eternal home, for the way of the cross delivers us from the death of our own proud, rebellious, and sinful souls. The cross and the resurrection of JESUS leads us to GOD through faith in His Son JESUS. The cross redefines us.
It gives us meaning and purpose in life.

LORD GOD, in view of Your Word in Galatians 6:14, I pray for your forgiveness for having believed and claimed that experience, education, culture, religion and tradition are needed for me to gain Your favor and the reward of Heaven in the afterlife. May Your SPIRIT grant me the wisdom and understanding that no one is righteous and capable of gaining salvation and eternal life except in and through faith in what JESUS CHRIST has done and accomplished at the cross. May my life be renewed and transformed daily by the power of the crucified CHRIST.
In JESUS’ Holy Name, Amen.