Romans 6:6
“We know that our old self was crucified with Him, so that our sinful body might be done away with, that we might no longer be in slavery to sin.”

What does it mean to “put off the old man”? Sometimes, Christians can get carried away with the notion of the “old self,” saying they need the old self to die and be crucified. However, the “Old Man Was Crucified,” “the old self” is indeed gone and was crucified with CHRIST. Paul says that because the Christian is united with CHRIST in His death, burial, and resurrection, any old self that was under the reign of sin has also died. Although the Christian was not physically with CHRIST during His crucifixion, they were spiritually with Him. Even now, they are spiritually with CHRIST and growing. Instead of saying that the old self needs to die, the New Birth has put an end to the old man’s influence in us! That’s why the Christian is now called A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST. All we need is to shed the old self of the characteristics of sin. We should no longer live like the old self which was from the old man-Adam.  The Christian already died. We are now dead to sin and we now live by faith in the power of the resurrected CHRIST through the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT who dwells in the believer’s body! It’s a done deal and CHRIST JESUS’ people are no longer slaves to sin. JESUS’ resurrection power now works in us which also gives us power over the old man who is a slave of sin. THANK YOU JESUS!

Dear ABBA FATHER, in whom I am alive, Thank You that my old self was crucified with CHRIST so that my sinful body might be destroyed, and that I might no longer be a slave to sin. Thank You for freeing me from sin through faith in the death and resurrection of CHRIST JESUS.  As His follower, help me to live victoriously over the old self in the powerful Name of JESUS.