Matthew 7:13-14
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  14-Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

CHRIST Himself—the foundation of Christianity—said the Christian path would be hard and only a “few” would walk it. The Way of CHRIST is a difficult way for us to walk and the gate is narrow, but if we are diligent and do not lose heart, we will indeed enter it.

The way of JESUS, is narrow which leads to life, peace, joy, love, self-control, and hope. The broad road is a path without GOD, which leads to brokenness, destruction, disappointment, ruin, regret, pain, sin, and emptiness.

Each one of us are blessed to have daily opportunities to make the right choices. The Bible presents to us very simple guidelines in making our choices. May we seek the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT to guide and inspire us to honor and obey JESUS’ teachings from Matthew 7:13-14.

LORD JESUS, thank You for speaking truthfully about the hard way. Let Your HOLY SPIRIT inspire us to walk this narrow path each day and guide us toward the eternal gate You have opened. When we grow weary, refresh us along the way. But let us not linger long. Spur us onward to eternal life. In Your great Name we pray, Amen.