
Date:  February 8, 2020

For decades, India’s Dalit Christians and Muslims have experienced discrimination, harassment and abuse. As Dalits they’re considered the lowest level in the caste system. Under the Schedule Caste list in the Indian Constitution, Muslims and Christians are not eligible to reservation, which is aimed at uplifting the Dalit community socially, economically and politically.

That could be about to change. Last week the Supreme Court agreed to hear petitions to include Christians and Muslims in the list of Scheduled Castes – those who are eligible for benefits.

This would be a historic change that human rights activists have been recommending for years, and would transform the economic circumstances of the millions of Dalits who suffer poverty and exclusion every day.

In summary, please pray:

• That the Supreme Court would rule in favour of including Christian and Muslim Dalits on the Scheduled Caste list.
• For a transformation in society’s attitudes towards Dalit people.
• That this would be the beginning of a new era for India, where all its citizens are equal, whatever their religion or belief.