
Date:                   July 1, 2020




July 1, 2020

A protester attends a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, that seeks to give citizenship to religious minorities persecuted in neighboring Muslim countries, in New Delhi, India. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi


Freedom matters to members of the house church movement, the Falun Gong, the Tibetan Buddhists and Uyghur Muslims in China that are persecuted by the China Communist Party. Freedom matters to Bahais, Christians, Sunni and Sufi Muslims, and reformers among the Shiite Muslim majority suffering persecution in Iran. Freedom matters to historic Yezidi, Christian and other communities in Iraq and Syria that were subjected to genocidal efforts by ISIL.

Freedom matters to Shia Muslims in Pakistan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia who suffer discrimination and persecution. Freedom matters to Christians and Jehovah Witnesses marginalized and targeted in Russia. Freedom matters to the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority group, that fled persecution in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Freedom matters to the Muslim asylum seekers seeking citizenship in India. Freedom matters to all who are oppressed, live in fear and are afraid to speak of their beliefs.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948. Article 18 is a standard representing minimum rights against which the enjoyment of the freedom of religion or belief should be measured around the world. It established a platform for articulating and elaborating the provisions on freedom of religion and religious non-discrimination in three documents which together are known as the Article 18 reads:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

Despite the best efforts of many, freedom of religion or belief is not currently being protected in most counties. More than 80% of the world’s population live in countries with high levels of government restrictions on freedom of religion or belief, or where they face high-level hostility due to their religious affiliations, and this figure is rising. Across the globe there is widespread denial of freedom of worship, and of freedom to teach, promote and publicly express one’s religion or belief.

As millions of Americans prepare to celebrate our freedom on July 4th, most may not be aware of America’s work in defending and mobilizing for oppressed minorities around the world who are victims of harassment, discrimination, physical attacks and/or persecution for their beliefs.

Everyone everywhere has the right to practice their faith, or lack of it, without fear.


International Religious Freedom Headlines

USCIRF Warns that Forced Sterilization of Uyghur Muslims is Evidence of Genocide

Since 2017, the Chinese government under President Xi Jinping has detained more than a million Uyghur, Kazakh, and other Muslims, often targeting individuals engaged in religious practices, such as growing beards or wearing veils. Now the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom  warned that the Chinese government’s repressive population control measures against Uyghur and other Muslims—including forced sterilization—might meet the legal criteria for genocide under international law.


Jews, Muslims and Christians Are All Persecuted in Europe

Human rights activists don't often think first of countries like France, Germany, Belgium, Montenegro, Bulgaria and the Netherlands when they worry about religious freedom violations. This is a mistake. Conditions across the European continent are getting worse for believers of many types. It's time for advocates to stop giving Europe a "free pass" on human rights.


Lengthy Prison Sentences for 30 Iranian Baha'is

Iran’s Baha’is have seen an increase in persecution during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly in Shiraz, the Baha'i International Community has reported. There is an unprecedented number of new prison sentences, high numbers of people being returned to prison, and a fresh hate speech campaign against Baha’is in the media


Do This for Love: Free Burma Rangers in the Battle of Mosul By David Eubank with Hosannah Valentine, Simon & Schuster (released July 28, 2020)

The fiercest urban battle in recent history, to retake the city of Mosul from ISIS, lasted nine months. Thousands were killed, millions displaced. How to help in such a massive and desperate situation? This is the story of how one small organization from Burma answered that question: go. Give up your own way, help the people, share love.">SEE MORE
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21Wilberforce is empowering a global movement to advance religious freedom as a universal right.