
Date:                  February 13, 2021


Sister Ju in prison. 
(Photo: ChinaAid)

(Lincang, Yunnan Province—Feb. 13, 2021) During the Chinese New Year, ChinaAid encourages supporters and "pray-ers" —"Never forget those imprisoned for their faith..., especially Ju Dianghong and Liang Qin." ChinaAid also urges people to write letters to these two imprisoned Christian sisters Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities wrongly sentenced in 2017. 
Despite Ms. Ju and Ms. Liang denying that they belonged to a cult the CCP had targeted as part of a province-wide crackdown, a Lincang court in southern Yunnan Province harshly sentenced them to 13 and 10 years in prison. The court issued the longer sentence to Ms. Ju Dianhong for allegedly being a cult leader.
Ms. Ju emphasized that she had never heard of the "Three Grades of Servants," the religious sect CCP authorities accused her of leading, recruiting members and doing missionary work for, and spreading news of the apocalypse. Ms. Ju did not even know the definition of the word “cult.” She and Ms. Liang repeatedly stated that they only participated in Christian activities. In the court’s final verdict, authorities labeled Christian books like Pilgrim’s Progress and Streams in the Desert as “evil cult” materials. In her defense, Ms. Ju said:
I only believed in and preached about Jesus, never harming anyone or acting contrary to biblical principles.
Both Ms. Ju and Ms. Liang continued to deny any cult involvement and appealed their cases. The court upheld its original sentencing. After sentencing Ms. Ju and Ms. Liang, however, CCP authorities did not reveal where they imprisoned these sisters.
Bob Fu, ChinaAid's founder realizes, like you and I know, the value of remembering our persecuted brothers and sisters in the faith of Jesus Christ. He determined to "uncover" the prison address for Ju Dianhong and Liang Qin in Yunnan. Discovering their location, he encourages supporters and "pray-ers" to not only remember and pray for both sisters. but also write letters to them:
Ju Dianghong
No. 1 Prison for Women of Yunnan Province,
Kunyang Town, Jinning District
Kunming City, Yunnan Province
China 650600
Liang Qin
No. 1 Prison for Women of Yunnan Province,
Kunyang Town, Jinning District
Kunming City, Yunnan Province
China 650600

On Letter Writing:

  • Do not mention the specific name of an organization, a church, nor ChinaAid. If officials see names of entities like ChinaAid in letters, they may presume the prisoner has a connection with a "foreign organization" and punish him or her. No danger exists for a prisoner who receives a letter from an individual.
  • Only write and share positive comments, spiritual encouragement, and/or Bible verses. Do not include any negative comments about the country, political system, or jail.
  • Prisoners welcome notes, letters, and cards. In most instances, prisoners cherish Christian greeting cards they receive.
  • No issue accompanies writing your name and return address on the mailing envelope. If you are more comfortable remaining anonymous, however—just include a name, state, and/or country. Letters to prisoners prove most effective when prison officials see mail from many different U.S. states and nations across the world.
  • Pricing for mailing letters to China depends on the weight of the item, carrier used, and the sender's location. Typically, for First Class International mail, the least expensive option from the United States, you may purchase a "Global Forever" stamp to send a one-ounce letter or postcard.

See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand! 
But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
                                                               ~ by Paul in Galatians 6:11&14 (NKJV)

China Aid exposes abuses in order to stand in solidarity with the persecuted and promote religious freedom, human rights, and rule of law. If you wish to partner with us in helping those persecuted by the Chinese government, please click the button below to make a charitable donation.