
Date:  December 9, 2021

China (International Christian Concern) – A house church in Nanjing, Jiangsu province founded by a Singaporean pastor was raided and Sunday service interrupted by the police.

According to China Christian Daily, a member of the church revealed that dozens of policemen entered the venue where his church was holding a Sunday service on November 21. The service had to be suspended and the participants were taken away and interrogated.

Several other locations of the church led by the Singaporean pastor also encountered the same situation for a few weeks in a row.

To worship together, the congregation had to be split into smaller groups who either gathered in a member’s house or virtually.

The Christian media reports that the church holds conservative opinions toward blood draw and COVID-19 vaccination and once considered whether to take children out from public schools which forced their students to get vaccinated.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for any church members still being held to be released. Pray for protection for this church from future raids. Pray for the Gospel to continue spreading through Chinese house churches.