Date: July 8, 2023
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. (Psalm 89:1)
Give thanks that God’s love and faithfulness will never end; day after day; year after year; generation after generation.
This week marks two years since unprecedented protests swept Cuba on 11 July 2021. For Pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo, Loreto Hernández García and many other religious leaders who were arrested after peacefully protesting, it marks another year of unjust imprisonment.
Pray for their freedom today, and for the younger generations in Cuba who are growing up under such control and repression.
Student threatened with expulsion
In May, a university student in Cuba was threatened with expulsion for refusing to sign an oath which he believes conflicts with his Christian faith.
The student – who asked to remain anonymous – explained that he could not sign the document promising to defend socialism and Marxist-Leninism. Yet a professor warned him that it was ‘not negotiable’ and that he would face severe consequences for failing to sign.
Signing the oath would allow the student to join the Territorial Militia Troops, which he is being pressured to join despite having already completed his obligatory military service.
He represents thousands of young people across Cuba who are under pressure to comply with government orders that conflict with their deeply held religious beliefs.
In summary, please pray:
- That students and young people will be allowed to remain true to their deeply held beliefs in a peaceful way, without punishment.
- That God will strengthen and encourage all those who are under pressure from the Cuban government because of their religion or belief.
- That justice would reign for all who are unjustly imprisoned in Cuba, including religious leaders like Pastor Lorenzo and Loreto Hernández García. May they be released without condition.