
Date: July 15, 2023

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. (Acts 12:5)

Acts 12 tells a miraculous story. The night before Peter’s trial, an angel woke him up and led him out of the prison – into freedom.

This was what the church had been earnestly praying for. Yet when Peter knocked on the door of the prayer gathering, they barely believed it was really him!

May this account stir our faith today. Pray that God would similarly lead to freedom those who are unjustly imprisoned in China.

Unjust allegations

Please pray for the release of three Christians from Linfen Covenant House Church, who have been accused of forming a criminal ‘clique’ and obtaining ‘illegal income’. Preachers Li Jie and Han Xiaodong, and their colleague Wang Qiang, are all facing formal charges of ‘fraud’.

Li and Han were detained in August 2022 and subjected to sleep deprivation for three days and three nights. They were formally arrested in September. Meanwhile, Wang Qiang was detained in November 2022 and formally arrested in December 2022.

If you read the Prayer Diary for China (21-27 May), you may remember that several church leaders in China have been targeted with ‘fraud’ allegations for receiving tithes and offerings – often for their leadership in ‘house’ churches which are not registered with the authorities.

Yet there are legitimate reasons why a church may not wish to register, while others have in fact been blocked from registering.

In summary, please pray:

  • That these blatantly unjust, false charges would be dropped, and that Li Jie, Han Xiaodong and Wang Qiang would be released without delay.
  • For protection and encouragement over their wives and children, and other members of Linfen Covenant House Church.
  • That all harassment against the church and its members would cease. Some have been forced to give false evidence against their leaders and promise not to attend the church.
  • That the Chinese government would stop prosecuting unregistered religious groups and those who peacefully stand up for freedom of religion or belief.