
Date:                           November 13, 2023


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Sadly, we've learned prominent Shanghai human rights activist Ji Xialong was sentenced on Friday, October 27 to four years and six months in prison by a Shanghai court for 'picking quarrels and provoking trouble.'

He demanded the Chinese government relax the excessive lockdown measures, asking the Shanghai government to sympathize with the people, relax their excessive control, and stop campaign-style COVID prevention measures.  

Ji was reprimanded when he issued a real-name petition to Li Qiang, the party secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee at the time, and now China’s Premier, demanding accountability for the city’s closure. He was taken away from his home by the Shanghai police on August 31 2022, and was criminally detained by the Pudong New Area Police. 
ChinaAid reported on the contents of Ji's indictment letter in early January 2023. He was tried on June 21st 2023, with no news about a verdict until last month. Please keep Activist Ji and family in your prayers!