India (MNN) — They’re halfway there. Over two weeks ago, India kicked off national elections in a seven-phase voting process that will continue till June 1. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is running for a third, final term and is currently the front-runner. His Bharatiya Janata Party also wants to expand its majority in the lower parliament house, the Lok Sabha.

Phase three of voting began yesterday. Surging heat waves have made polling difficult.

Regan Miller with Mission India explains, “With 1.4 billion people in India, that’s a lot of people to get [through] the voting system.”

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)

What happens politically in India and the resulting policies greatly impact Christian ministry — and there is much ministry work to do.

India is the largest unreached nation in the world. Roughly 95% of the population is unreached, meaning they have never heard the Gospel.

Miller says, “We can pray over the election season for wisdom for the voters. Right now, for the Christians, they would just appreciate prayers for wisdom and that the Holy Spirit would work through the leadership in India.”

Mission India has a timely resource to encourage your prayers.

“If people would like a tangible way to learn how to pray in a meaningful way for India and for their own lives, too, we are offering a 10-day Pentecost Prayer Guide that launches May 9. Pentecost is the day that we recognize the sending of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, so we’re going to be praying into that!”

Get Mission India’s Pentecost Prayer Guide here!

“We’ll walk you through one way each day that God responds to prayer and fasting and Scripture, and how you can pray into that – for India and your own life to,” says Miller.

Click here for more ways to support Gospel work with Mission India.


Header photo of Indian flag. (Photo courtesy of Still Pixels/Pexels)